terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009

The Boxer Theory

"The Boxer Theory" by yours truly, Patrícia Dinis aka Paty, Tixinha, Sally or what the fuck you want to call me

You take a hit. You take the blow.
Even if it's a sucker punch, you didn't see it coming.
Even if you're in the middle of the fuckin ring, getting your nose punched every time you open your eyes.
Even if you tell yourself it's ok to let down your guard, just this time...

You take a hit. You take the blow.
You get back up.
Back on your feet.

Even if it's hurting like hell.
Even if you're bleeding from every cut.
Even if old wounds are being torn apart, you can feel the stitches from the last fight cutting away.

You take a hit. You take the blow.
You get back up.
Back on your feet.

Until the very last minute of the very last fight.

And that's life under the "Boxer Theory".

Thank you for reading.